Which, in the dangerous world of Legacies, is about the best one could hope for. Granted, he's been through hell and back since and still has Malivore to contend with, but the weight of his past no longer haunts him. With Kai finally dispatched and Jo at peace, Alaric could rest easy again. It was about protecting her legacies' futures. Saying " This is for Jo" wasn't about avenging Jo's death. Jo would have wanted Alaric to do anything to protect their daughters, and as long as Kai was alive, he would be a threat to Josie and Lizzie. When Alaric killed Kai, he did it just as much for Josie and Lizzie as for Jo. In a flashback to ten years prior, Dorian and Alaric stumble across bodies that.
#Kai parker vampire diaries series
CHRIS WOOD RETURNS AS THE VILLAINOUS KAI PARKER When a series of events leads Josie, Lizzie and Alaric to the prison world, they come face to face with the twins' evil uncle Kai. In wanting to collapse the prison world, Kai showed no hesitation at the thought of killing his nieces. Kai Parker Screwed Us is the twelfth episode of the second season of Legacies and the twenty-eighth episode of the series overall. " Like in a dream where everything is warm and happy." Jo told her loved ones she would be waiting there for them before returning to the afterlife. Now, he is clearly hell-bent on ruining Bonnie’s life. Jo also revealed to Alaric and her siphon Gemini twins, Josie and Lizzie, that she was at peace wherever she was before being resurrected. It turns out Cobrakai1972 is a siphoner witch named Kai Parker, who was released from the Prison World to complete the Merge. While their time was short, Alaric got the closure he needed, and Jo told him to thank Caroline for being her daughters' mother. And despite being long dead, Jo got to see that, too: In Legacies' first season, the necromancer resurrected Lizzie and Josie's biological mother in time for their sixteenth birthday. Jo's death haunted Alaric for a very long time, but since then, he'd seen their children grow into teenagers and powerful witches.